Fash Priest

I have found another candidate for my gallery of fashiks. I shall make this a recurrent topic on this blog…

Union of Orthodox Journalists website reports:

“Hieromonk” of Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev Patriarchate) is Popularising Hitler’s Speeches

Priest of UPC (KP), Bohdan Kostyuk

A representative of UPC (KP) publishes public performances of Adolf Hitler, and posts about the activities of the “Right Sector.”

The cleric of UPC (KP), Bohdan Kostyuk posted on [his] page on Facebook about the secrets of oratory mastership of the leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler.


The comment underneath the post says: “Priest dreams of becoming a Fuhrer?


“Father” Bohdan is the “chaplain” of the military unit 3056 of the National Guard, and together with the fighters of this unit he engages in patriotic education of the youth.

image(481).png The “priest’s” page is rich with posts about activities of the “Right Sector.”


In one of the posts shared by the “hieromonk” of UPC (KP), the leader of this party (the Right Sector) Andriy Tarasenko writes: “We are helping parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate to transfer to Kiev Patriarchate (we have a dozens of anathemas bestowed upon ourselves by Muscovite priests), we are providing security on large events of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, we are providing other help to Churches.” Tarasenko also explains the goals of such activity: “…without the influence of Ukrainian Churches [we will not be able] to mobilise and revive our nation.”


There are also post about the current activities of “OUN-UPA” on his page…


A priest of [the canonical] Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Hennadiy Shkyl’ reacted to posts of the “hieromonk”, and reminded us that this cleric serves in a church usurped by the Kiev “Patriarchate” in the Kherson region. The church came under the jurisdiction of the UPC (KP) through “deceit and threats.” Father Hennadiy asks whether these are the people they are being asked to be united with within a United Local Church?

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