Supporting Ukraine Ain’t in Your Interest

Like honestly, the war in Ukraine only benefits some twats in America or London that want to teach Russia a lesson and profit from weapons sales. The common man, with a normal job, normal income, does not benefit from disruption of trade and deglobalization.

But somehow there are dorks out there wearing t-shirts, having in the avatars on social media, FKN PTN, there are NAFO idiots out there. And guess what, they feel proud that they sent their money to some Ukraine grifters. You are not resisting evil by supporting the establishment agenda, losers.

2 thoughts on “Supporting Ukraine Ain’t in Your Interest

  1. I think the case with China’s approach towards Russia, let’s just say the West has a lot to learn from it. The problem with today’s Western world’s relationship with many others shares a lot in common with France’s handling of its former colonies. Overly possessive and insisting on treating the other guy as children. You can see it when the conservatives are wondering their asses off on why Russia wants to be on good term with China…duh, Russia befriends with whoever it sees fits, even without the sanctions. Why is it so difficult for them to get it?

    When you use that type of approach, the other guy will want to get the fuck away from you even more. Nobody outside of Asia would want to sacrifice their own self-interests in order to gain the profits in the forms of USD. And Asians, especially East Asians and perhaps some “educated” (politically correct way of saying colonized) Southeast Asians, are like that due to the social conditioning starting at a familial level since WW2. China has been kinda…wandering and trying to figure out its place in the world and only joined the queue in the 80s, and that’s why it’s still able to make its own decision more or less and not a complete chupa pito, mind game playing ass bitch like many within the region. Either way, the point is Russians doesn’t play like Asians. US, UK and EU need to respect it.

    Now, if the West can develop a more live-and-let-live type of attitude towards any sort of trading and/or geopolitical relationship with Russia; and increase its own productivity instead of relying on BPD-ridden young Asians’ daydreams and Asian boomers’ dementia infused bullshit to bring in profits, then the tension with Russia and China would be gone, or at least it’ll get the stone rolling. Until then, any attempt from Russia and China to repair the relationship with the West will be a waste of time and resources.

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  2. Speaking of which though, both the West and Asia has problem with reliance on others to develop. West wants unskilled third world immigrants to work menial labor job; skilled immigrants to work those IT-tech or medical related jobs; wealthy immigrants to invest in real estate; clueless bimbo bitches with mommy-and-poppy spank marks to study at their university…hey, that booty shorts don’t hide what was once there from someone who knows the inside story such as myself. Then it got balls to rely on oversea consumers and manufacturing for important stuffs. The whole deal with Taiwanese chips would make the founding fathers of US rolling in their graves.

    Meanwhile, Asia, especially East and Southeast Asia, has problem of relying on others to make development happen. A lot of wealth and prosperity of today’s Asia was the result of relying on Western imports and investment. Without them and with the goofy post-WW2 Asian mentality and for East Asia, that suffocating familial values, Asia won’t achieve shit and even Japan may be a third world country by now. Then again…I’d say it wouldn’t be this bad if there was no MacArthur nor Kissinger.

    Both needs to knock it off. Business is business. Doing business is ok. But whenever some sort of attachment and reliance issue is developed, that’s actually when a trade war, if not a total war, is waiting to happen.

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