Nasty Rant About Domestic Violence

What if we applied the same treatment divorced men get to battered women?

If a man complains that he was robbed in the divorce court, his wife took the house, the kids, the dog, and the kitty, various advocates of marriage on the right, and simps dismissive of men’s issues on the left will tell you that you should choose better women. Just suck it up and choose better bro, marriage is good.

But few, apart from me, would dare tell battered women to choose better men. Somehow, woman’s agency in a violent relationship is not considered. Women not only have the power to select their mate but also to leave a violent individual and seek help. Shelters for battered women are good grift often sponsored by the local state. Don’t tell me women lack this option in the West.

The problem is that the feminist activists have made any question of complicity in one’s own predicament into blaming the victim. Remember Slut Walk? In my opinion, women often go for the more violent type of male. Women also tend to be hysterical and the battery becomes a mutual affair. She hits him, he hits back. If she hits him, he has little options to complain because if he does, the pigs will arrest him. In the gynocentric West, the very presence of male near a female is criminalized.

Have you ever heard of the couple fighting in the street, and some simp responding by attacking the man? Only for the simp to be jumped by the couple, the man and the woman beating the shit out of him? This tells you that the battered females often don’t want any help. They love their abusive Chad more than they appreciate your puny ass stepping in. The problem is feminist grifters and simps in the government have made violence against women a man problem, and absolutely neglected the input of women. Wanting women to take accountability is misogyny my friends.

PS: You know why there are so many single mothers? Because women love deadbeats. There would not be domestic violence if women did not love violent men, and weren’t psychotic. We have equality, so let’s treat women equally. This is their problem…

PS2: Women always complain about douchebags, and men being trash but 60% of American men under 30 are disgusting incels. Most men are not guilty of how these bitches are treated.

2 thoughts on “Nasty Rant About Domestic Violence

  1. Speaking of domestic violence, women do need to shut the fuck up about this shit. I mean, they seriously try to get at men for something they’ve done regularly towards their kids? Mothers are more likely to abuse the kids than fathers, fact. Even among single father household, abuses are less likely than single mothers. Until they can learn to stop mistreating their kids, they need to lay off the victim bullshit.

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  2. I’m gonna disagree a little bit here, or better to say add. It’s all rooted in family, if father was abusive, or mom greedy ass teaching the daughter to be overly materialistic, you end up with girls stuck with abusers, or considering it normal.

    The easiest trick to find a good woman is to check her parents, and family dynamics in general. Girls with loving fathers ain’t gonna stick with abusers, and more importantly psycho guys, and lets not pretend they aren’t issue as well, they’re going to smell that girl has father present in life and just run away.

    I mean there’s the whole genre of comedy where anglo boy marries a girl from “ethnic white” family, and gets scared of papa. Italians, Greeks, Slavs etc. Anglo boy you better behave. As always solution is to stop Americanising.

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