Ukraine Will Again Forego Conducting a Census of the Population

The last census of the population was conducted under the president Kuchma in 2001…

…in contrast to the Russian Federation, which conducts censuses every decade, and where the next one is planned for 2020.

I was watching one of my favourite YouTube channels (if you can follow content in Russian and Ukrainian, please give it a sub) and around the 3:33 mark, a video is played, featuring a newly elected representative, David Arakhamiya, who says this:

Census is, of course, needed but a census is a statistical action, and it would cost 90 million Euros, which is the preliminary estimate. We don’t have the money to conduct this every 5 years or something… We will conduct a census simultaneously with the distribution of new electronic ID cards…

Interesting, I wonder whether this would stop the guessing as to how many people are left in Ukraine. 25 million? 33.5 million?

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