4b Movement

304b movement, in 2024 the ladies are doing MGTOW. Mingers going their own way…

Honestly, MGTOW in Murica and many Western countries makes sense. 50% divorce rate, custody battles, single mothers stealing the kids, women with tattoos, debts, high body counts. Happy dating gentlemen…

But in South Korea, the local girls said no to sex, dating, kids, and marriage. Apparently, this is a sex strike to fight sexism. There is apparently a lot of patriarchy and misogyny in Korea and women wanna punish the blokes for it. Or so the narrative goes. Commentators also mention South Korea’s dismal birthrates.

It has me thinking the Korean men are doing the patriarchy wrong. The Taliban or Saudi Arabia have no issue with birth rates. From what I gather is, South Korea always had a robust feminist movement. I would not blame low birth rates on feminism alone because low birthrates are a feature of industrialized societies but dismally low birth rates might have to do with some feminist child free bullshit.

Some trashy bitches of TikTok want to bring this Korean movement of not dating, having sex, children, and marriage to the West. In my opinion they have already been on this for a long time. Radical man hating feminist were around when I was young. Lots of women out there simply don’t have kids because they do not want to. Many can’t even talk to men and are too frigid to have sex.

Ultimately, this whole feminism is really about foregoing kids and replacing them with other pursuits for women. This is why feminists vehemently support abortion. Abortion is the only woman’s right in 2024.

6 thoughts on “4b Movement

  1. It’s “nuclear family” type. Koreans like most of Asia, and Slavs had exogamous communitarian type of family, so transitioning to Germanic nuclear type is ruining everything.

    I’m not hating on nuclear families, different cultures different types of family, but pushing nuclear family on culture that didn’t used it, is as destructive as destroying nuclear family via feminism in Germanic countries.

    Another issue is that comies, and other isms were usually made by Anglos or Germans, so all theories start with nuclear family presumption. That’s how the divorce rates spread all around the world. Again it’s not nuclear family type per se, but the fact that you push it on people that never had it.

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      1. You can look at world map of family types, they actually paint Czechia as “nuclear” these days, but I seriously doubt that was always the case.

        As for the class, well when transitioning the rich usually take the type of invader form the first. Like islamisation, the rich start marrying the cousins first. Ofc Islam uses various forms of endogamic families.


  2. Wanna blame, blame the roots of everything: the very idea of meritocracy, which is something the East Asians and middle-class worldwide are obsessed with. When you’re raised in a family that values nothing other than your academic and financial achievement and humiliate you and resort to borderline sexual abuse type of punishment when you fail and on top of that, they provide very little protection when you get rolled on out there and punish you for fighting back, it will lead to some consequences. One of the most concerning ones would be how the sons just remain depressed; they become the depressed overachievers. Meanwhile, the daughters either find some white boys and flee or they resort to this sexless yet kawaii bullshit. Similar phenomenon can be spotted in Japan, Taiwan and even in the more urbanized parts of China, where these bitches are super hoecakes but rather sexless in terms of serious relationship. They’re also more likely to be into that physical stimulation thing, probably as a cope for their childhood…perfect for a tickle master such as myself. Another story.

    I mean, back in the day, at least there’s a sense of certainty. I don’t think people were horribly happy; nobody would when they were raised that way. But at least they know they will have a future that doesn’t involve poverty and/or job instability and/or unemployment. However, in today’s world, nothing is certain. If the parenting and school as well as corporate and business culture for that matter gonna keep it like that, then this is bound to happen.

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  3. Well, one thing worth to mention though, is how in China, there are actually ladies who’re against the whole deal. This bullshit is not completely unopposed in China. There are many instances where I spotted Chinese ladies calling out bullshit on feminists and thots. I think in terms of mentality, we’re more likely to see things for what it is instead of how we want it to be compared to Koreans. Like…when your parents are like that, you run the fuck away, period! Such basic common sense solution seems to be less likely to happen in South Korea or other parts of Far East for some reason. I’d say the lower level of political correctness may be the reason. This may explain why our suicide rates are lower than both South Korea and Japan, at least from the last time I checked. And it may also explain why there are Chinese women who’re also against this shit. South Korea should learn from us on this one, and we should elaborate it even further. This way, at least East Asia will get the stone rolling.


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